12/16/2022 - Cookies & Cocoa Bingo Cookies, cocoa, family games, fellowship, and winter activities followed by bingo with prizes in the social hall. ### Event: Cookies & Cocoa Bingo Event Date: 12/16/2022 Event Time: 6PM Admission Fee: FREE/Donations Accepted Event Organizers/Contact: The United Church of Christ Southbury | Church Office: 203-264-8807 | ChurchOffice@uccsouthbury.org | www.uccsouthbury.org Event Location: The United Church of Christ, 283 Main Street North, Southbury, CT 06488 Archives
Cookies, cocoa, family games, fellowship, and winter activities followed by bingo with prizes in the social hall.
Event: Cookies & Cocoa Bingo Event Date: 12/16/2022 Event Time: 6PM Admission Fee: FREE/Donations Accepted Event Organizers/Contact: The United Church of Christ Southbury | Church Office: 203-264-8807 | ChurchOffice@uccsouthbury.org | www.uccsouthbury.org Event Location: The United Church of Christ, 283 Main Street North, Southbury, CT 06488