Frequently Asked Questions
What is an ethics violation?
An ethics violation is a conflict of interest as defined in the Town of Southbury Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Ordinance. A conflict of interest exists if any Town officer, employee, or member of any board or commission has a financial or personal interest, direct or indirect, in any purchase, contract, transaction, or decision involving his or her office, board, commission or employment. Indirect interest is defined as an interest in which an officer, member or employee might influence a decision or event so as to achieve gain, financial or otherwise, on behalf of a family member, friend or associate or that creates an actual or perceived monetary or personal indebtedness to any party.
How do I file an Ethics Complaint?
An Ethics Complaint Form should be completed and submitted to Town Hall.
Or, you can contact the Office of the First Selectman and request a complaint form (203-262-0647).
Once the form is completed, place it in a sealed envelope and mark the envelope “CONFIDENTIAL: To be delivered unopened to the Chairman of the Southbury Ethics Commission”.
Then hand-deliver or mail the envelope to:
Town of Southbury Ethics Commission
c/o Town Clerk
501 Main Street South
Southbury, CT 06488
What happens after I file a complaint?
Your complaint will be reviewed initially by the Ethics Commission to determine whether the Commission has the authority to decide your complaint. If your complaint qualifies, the Commission will conduct an investigation to determine the facts and decide the case. After the investigation is completed, the Commission’s Findings and Recommendation will be issued to all parties.
Will my complaint be made public?
Your complaint will become a public record if and when the Commission determines that there is probable cause to believe that a violation of the Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Ordinance may have occurred.
Who will see my complaint?
Before your complaint becomes public, it will likely be seen by members of the Ethics Commission, the individual(s) against whom the complaint is made, and other individuals who need to know in order for the Ethics Commission to conduct its review and investigation. Effort will be made throughout the process to maintain confidentiality to the extent practical.
When does the Ethics Commission meet?
The Commission meets regularly each calendar quarter. These regular meeting dates are posted on the Ethics Commission webpage and are open to the public. The Commission may hold additional Special Meetings throughout the year when it conducts further business, which are also posted and open to the public. The Commission also meets when necessary to review and investigate complaints brought before it. As suggested by the Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission, the initial portion of these investigations generally are not posted or held in public in order to protect privacy interests.
May I withdraw my complaint after I submit it?
Once your Complaint is submitted to the Ethics Commission, the Commission has the discretion to continue its review and investigation of the allegations even if you decide later that you want to withdraw your complaint.