4/28/2023 - Arbor Day Tree ID Tour Celebrate Arbor Day by joining Daniel Dalton on a Tree Identification Tour here at Bent of the River. Daniel is an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist. He is also an Adjunct Professor in Horticulture at Naugatuck Valley Community College and on the Board of Directors for the Newtown Forest Association. Enjoy nature and learn the features and characteristics used to identify trees along our trails. ### Event: Arbor Day Tree ID Tour Event Date: 4/28/2023 Event Time: 2:00pm Admission Fee: $10.00 Registration Deadline: 4/27/2023 Registration Instructions: bentoftheriver.audubon.org/events/arbor-day-tree-id-tour Event Organizers: Bent of the River Audubon Center | 203-405-9113 | kpratt@audubon.org | bentoftheriver.audubon.org | www.facebook.com/bentoftheriver Event Location: 185 East Flat Hill Rd. Southbury, CT 06488 Archives
Celebrate Arbor Day by joining Daniel Dalton on a Tree Identification Tour here at Bent of the River. Daniel is an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist. He is also an Adjunct Professor in Horticulture at Naugatuck Valley Community College and on the Board of Directors for the Newtown Forest Association. Enjoy nature and learn the features and characteristics used to identify trees along our trails.
Event: Arbor Day Tree ID Tour Event Date: 4/28/2023 Event Time: 2:00pm Admission Fee: $10.00 Registration Deadline: 4/27/2023 Registration Instructions: bentoftheriver.audubon.org/events/arbor-day-tree-id-tour Event Organizers: Bent of the River Audubon Center | 203-405-9113 | kpratt@audubon.org | bentoftheriver.audubon.org | www.facebook.com/bentoftheriver Event Location: 185 East Flat Hill Rd. Southbury, CT 06488