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4/23/2023 - Public Safety Day

Southbury Public Safety Day with Police, Fire, EMS, Animal Control and a Food Truck is on today from 1-4.  Come meet your local First Responders, receive safety information and learn how you can help! Tanker / water supply demo at 2pm and an extrication planned at 3pm.

Come out and interact with the First Responders of your community.

  • Meet your public safety professionals. Invited First Responders include: Southbury Police, Southbury Ambulance, Heritage Village Ambulance, Southbury Animal Control, Southbury Office of Emergency Management, Southbury Fire Marshal’s Office and Southbury Volunteer Firemen’s Association. Will be providing tours of their vehicles and public safety information, with demonstrations.
  • A dozen emergency vehicles on public display including ambulances, police cruisers, 102’ ladder truck, heavy rescue, engines, tankers, brush truck, gator, 1936 REO Engine 3, and more.
  • Visit the various “Stations” within the Center Firehouse.
  • Walk thru a simulated “smoke room” to better understand what an actual smoke environment might look like in an emergency.
  • Public Safety Information and demonstrations.
  • Planned at 2 pm - Brief Recognitions and Awards, followed by a tanker shuttle/rural water supply demonstration.
  • Planned at 3 pm - watch Fire and EMS personnel as they simulate an actual extrication event.
  • Learn the History of our First Responder organizations and their evolving roles over the years.
    • Southbury Volunteer Fireman’s Association, celebrating 91 years of service;
    • Ladies Auxiliary 66 years of service
    • The Junior Corp. 45 years of service;
    • Southbury Ambulance Association celebrating 60 years of service.
  • Learn about opportunities to serve your community in the fire department (age 18+), Junior Corp (ages 14-17) and the Ladies Auxiliary.
  • Hosted by the Southbury Volunteer Fireman’s Association, Ladies Auxiliary and the Junior Corp.
  • Fun and educational for all ages. Bring your camera and join us.
  • Kraftwich Food Truck on site
  • If inclement weather, event will be indoors.


Event: Public Safety Day
Event Date: 4/23/2023
Event Time: 1 – 4 pm
Admission Fee: Free
Event Organizers: Southbury Volunteer Firemen's Association, Ladies Auxiliary, the Junior Corp and 350th Steering Committee
Event Location: Center Firehouse, 461 Main Street South, Southbury, CT

southbury volunteer firemen's association logo350th logo kratfwich logo


The Town of Southbury is holding events and activities all year long to celebrate 350 years of community, culture and history (1673-2023), aimed at highlighting the past and progress of the one and only Southbury.

The 350th Anniversary Steering Committee consists of John Dwyer and Kevin Bielmeier (co-chairs), Brian Jones (vice-chair), Justin Bette, Lynn Dwyer, Melinda Elliott, Michael Ganem, Kara Kenney, Mary Korsu, and Gosia Liedlich.