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5/24/2023 - Southbury Transfer Station Food Scraps Recycling Pilot Information Session

This pilot program is being sponsored by Sustainable Southbury, a local non-profit organization, and the Town of Southbury. This is an important initiative to help reduce Connecticut’s waste crisis and stop feeding valuable food scraps to landfill.

Sustainable Southbury needs volunteers to help us get the word out and educate residents on how the program works and what food scraps will be accepted for recycling. This can be as little as reaching out to your family, friends, and neighbors or helping us share information with residents at the Transfer Station.

Learn about the importance of food scrap recycling and how the program will work on Wednesday, May 24th at 7 PM via a Zoom meeting. During the 45 minutes, there will be a short presentation and plenty of time for questions.

To enroll in the free information session, go to:


Event: Southbury Transfer Station Food Scraps Recycling Pilot Information Session
Event Date: 5/24/2023
Event Time: 7:00 pm
Admission Fee: Free
Link to Registration or Ticket Purchase:
Event Organizers/Contact: Sustainable Southbury | 203 586 9078 |

food scrap recycling pilot program flyer