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1/31/2024 - Attracting Birds by the Season - A Webinar

Please join Allison Middlemass, our new Senior Coordinator of Community Conversation programs here at Bent of the River Audubon Center for an informative Zoom presentation.

Having a bird-friendly yard can make for a beautiful view. While most people think immediately of bird feeders to attract birds, we'll discuss how enhancing your garden with native plants can attract birds and provide sustenance throughout the seasons.


Event: Attracting Birds by the Season - A Webinar
Event Date: 1/31/2024
Event Time: 6:00 PM
Admission Fee: $10.00
Registration Deadline: 1/30/2024
Link to Registration or Ticket Purchase:
Event Organizers: Bent of the River Audubon Center | 203-405-9113 | | |

Cedar Waxwing by Peter Brannon