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6/28/2024 - Coyotes and Black Bears in Connecticut Presentation

The Southbury Animal Control invites residents to an informative presentation on Eastern Coyotes as well as Black Bears in Connecticut given by Paul Colburn from Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP).

This coyote presentation focuses on the history of those animals in Connecticut, an overview of coyote habitat, diet, behavior, and reproduction. It also provides practical recommendations for optimum coexistence with our coyote population.

The black bears presentation focuses on the history of black bears in Connecticut, an overview of black bear habitat, diet, behavior, reproduction and current research efforts. It also provides practical recommendations for optimum coexistence with our black bear population. Black bear artifacts will be shared with the audience.

Paul Colburn is a 2015 graduate of the Connecticut Master Wildlife Conservationist Program (MWCP) and a certified Master Wildlife Conservationist (MWC). The MWCP is a Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) adult education program that trains volunteers in the fields of wildlife management, natural history and interpretation. Paul is a dedicated advocate for wildlife and is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others. He is particularly focused on teaching the basics of living responsibly with wildlife. Paul has provided hundreds of wildlife presentations for a wide variety of public and private organizations I all corners of the state. He is a graduate of Wesleyan University and served honorably in the United States Army.


Event: Coyotes and Black Bears in Connecticut Presentation
Event Date: 6/28/2024
Event Time: 7:00-8:00pm
Admission Fee: Free
Event Organizers/Contact: Southbury Animal Control | 203-262-0613
Event Location: Southbury Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, Southbury

coyote and bear presentation flyer