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1/7/2025 - Winter Milkweed Sowing Workshop

Registrations are closed - the event is full.

Did you know that Monarch Butterflies are in trouble? Their populations have declined dramatically. The reasons include pesticide use, habitat fragmentation and loss, and lack of milkweed. Monarch Butterflies cannot survive without milkweed. Monarchs lay their eggs on milkweed plants and the larvae (caterpillars) feed on the plants. Adults also nectar on milkweed. So what can we do? Plant milkweed!

Join Southbury Land Trust’s Joy VanderLek on January 7th for a Winter Milkweed Sowing Workshop at Southbury Parks and Recreation. The one-hour program is free of charge.

What to bring: garden gloves and 1-to-3 half-gallon cartons (used juice/milk cartons).

Southbury Land Trust will supply soil, water, and milkweed seeds.

Workshop size is limited.


Event: Winter Milkweed Sowing Workshop
Event Date: 1/7/2025
Event Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Admission Fee: Free
Registration Instructions: The even is full.
Event Organizers/Contact: Southbury Land Trust, Southbury Parks & Recreation | 203-262-0633
Event Location: Southbury Parks and Recreation, 561 Main Street South, Southbury

monarch butterfly on milkweed