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4/12/2025 - Team Up to Clean Up

Meet up with community members, friends, and families when Southbury Land Trust and the Southbury Conservation Commission "Team up to Clean Up" on April 12th!

We'll meet at Southbury Town Hall (lower level) at 1 p.m. where participants will sign in, get outfitted with supplies (trash bags and gloves), and receive designated Clean Up areas.

Heavy Rain Cancels.

Take photos and tag us on our Facebook page or Bluesky. From there, we'll select two participants to receive a Southbury Land Trust t-shirts.


Event: Team Up to Clean Up
Event Date: 4/12/2025
Event Time: 1:00 pm
Admission Fee: Free
Event Organizers/Contact: Southbury Land Trust and Southbury Conservation Commission |
Event Location: Meeting place: Southbury Town Hall, 501 Main Street South

team up to clean up flyer