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Legal Notices

12/18/2024 - Inland Wetlands Commission: Actions Taken at Meeting on December 10, 2024

Town of Southbury
Inland Wetlands Commission

At their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, the Southbury Inland Wetlands Commission took the following actions:

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# 1744: 355 Berkshire Road, Southbury CT 06488. Mr. Eric Knutson (Applicant/Owner). Approval to remove and replace existing septic tank and redo existing leaching field. Additionally replace septic sand. Site plan provided with this application.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2022: 314 Southford Road, Southbury CT 06288. Ms. Michelle Sullivan (Owner/Applicant). Seeking approval to remove debris from front acreage deposited along tree line during mudslide. Trees to be chipped. Work will not require to enter the stream. Clean-up plan provided with this application.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION INVOLVING CLEAN-UP ONLY: Application# F-2023: 427 Old Field Road, Southbury CT 06288. Mr. John Hine (Owner/Applicant). Seeking approval restore the bank of the brook to its re-existing state prior to the August 18th flooding using all the existing natural sources as much as possible. Restoration plan provided with this application.

Dated in Southbury, Connecticut this 10th day of December, 2024. William Spencer, Chairman