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Legal Notices

1/22/2025 - Inland Wetlands Commission: Actions Taken at Meeting on January 14, 2025

Town of Southbury
Inland Wetlands Commission

At their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, the Southbury Inland Wetlands Commission took the following actions:

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# 1746: 525 Burr Road, Southbury CT 06488. Ms. Anne Pichey (Applicant/Owner). Approval for a proposed 5 lot subdivision with one existing house and four new houses. Site plan provided with this application

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# 1748: 8 Spruce Brook Road, Southbury CT 06488. New England Country Homes (Applicant); Mr. Charlie Spath representing applicant. Approval to remove invasive plant species and replant the area with native plants and grass. To continue maintenance of the new plantings and grass through mowing. Site plan provided with this application.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2021: 66 Peter Road, Southbury CT 06288. Department of Public Works, Mr. Matt Tarnowski (Applicant). Approval for maintenance and replacement of various elements of town roads and drainage systems. Erosion Controls and Wetlands Disturbance Mitigation plan provided with this application.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2019: 314 Southford Road, Southbury CT 06288 and 302 Southford Road, Southbury CT 06288. Ms. Michelle Sullivan and Ms. Angela Groman (Applicants/Owners). Approval to repair driveway from the August 18, 2024 flooding damage and subsequent collapse of the Larkin Bridal Trail. Site plan provided for review.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2008: 1746 South Britain Road, Southbury CT 06488. Mr. Thomas Mullen (Applicant/Owner). Approval to repair and or replace existing masonry bridge damaged by flooding.

Dated in Southbury, Connecticut this 14th Day of January, 2025.

William Spencer, Chairman