Town of Southbury
Inland Wetlands Commission
At their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, March 11th, 2025, the Southbury Inland Wetlands Commission took the following actions:
APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# 1751: 30 Perkins Road, Southbury CT 06488. Mr. Alex Pashaian (Applicant/Owner). Seeking approval to construct a single residential driveway within the 50 feet wetlands offset in the uplands soil. This method will require less grading and a shorter driveway than the original plan. Site plan provided with this application.
APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION Application# 1747: 78 Church Road, Southbury CT 06488. High Meadow Builders LLC. (Applicant); Mr. Charlie Spath representing applicant. Seeking approval for excavation and construction within the upland review area for a portion of the proposed building along with two energy systems. Additionally, proposed clearing activity limited within the upland review area. Site plan provided with this application.
APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION Application# F-2024: 66 Peter Road, Southbury CT 06288. Department of Public Works, Mr. Matt Tarnowski (Applicant). Seeking approval for the repairs and replacements of Old Field Road culverts. Engineering report provided with this application.
Dated in Southbury, Connecticut this 11th day of March, 2025.
William Spencer, Chairman