Due to COVID-19, the Board of Finance and the Board of Selectmen budget meeting on Monday, April 20th at 7:00 pm will be streamed live at www.southbury-ct.org/videostreaming. Residents can ask questions or submit comments on the 2020-2021 Southbury Budget using an online form at www.southbury-ct.org/budgetcomments.

From the Pomperaug District Department of Health
The case count in the Pomperaug Health District has increased to 152. The Southbury cases include 19 residents at the Southbury Training School and approximately 24 cases at long term care and assisted living facilities. We are sad to report that 9 people in the Pomperaug Health District have succumbed to COVID-19.
Data is obtained from the Connecticut Electronic Disease Surveillance System (CTEDSS). The case counts in the database are updated throughout the day as new information comes in. Depending on the time of day when the Health District and the State generate their reports, there may be differences in case numbers.
The Health District’s Public Health Nurse has been following up on each positive case and providing guidance on isolation, quarantine of family members, and return to work policies.
Cases that occur in assisted living facilities and nursing homes are investigated by CT Department of Public Health (DPH) epidemiologists in coordination with the Pomperaug Health District. Part of the follow up involves review of infection control practices at the facilities.