No Fee for Restaurants to Apply for Outside Dining in Southbury
The Town of Southbury has approved a simple, no-fee process for restaurants who seek to offer outside dining, or to expand their existing outside dining, in response to Connecticut’s Reopening protocol for COVID-19 per Governor Lamont’s Executive Order No 7MM. Temporary Permit for Outside Dining.
Governor Lamont Announces Connecticut Receives $111 Million in Coronavirus Relief Aid for Schools
School Districts Can Submit Applications to the State; Funding Will Be Allocated Based on Greatest Need
(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Ned Lamont today announced that the State of Connecticut is receiving $111 million in federal coronavirus relief aid for the state’s school districts that will be used to support continued learning and address educational disruptions due to the global pandemic.
The funding was awarded by the U.S. Department of Education under the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSERF) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Security (CARES) Act that was adopted by Congress in March. It will complement the $27.8 million already announced for the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund. ESSERF is the main federal funding stream dedicated to supporting the state’s pre-K through 12 system during the COVID-19 crisis. The federal government allows for significant flexibility in how the state and local school districts spend the grant so that existing education funds can be repurposed to areas of highest need, mitigate fiscal impacts, and immediately address educational disruptions.
Governor Lamont issues Executive Order No 7NN
Extension and Sunset of Suspension of Tax on Single-use Plastic Checkout Bags. The provisions of Executive Order No. 7N, Section 4, suspending the tax on single-use plastic checkout bags, and Section 5, providing that retail employees shall not be required to bag items in reusable bags but that customers must be allowed to use their own reusable bags if they bag their own items, are extended through June 30, 2020. For other executive orders under No. 7NN click here.
Update from the Pomperaug District Department of Health