February 18, 2022
The Town’s Grand List grew $72,280,861, an increase of 3.5%. This growth was primarily due to the rise in assessment value of automobiles. This higher grand list will factor in the Town’s mill rate calculation as we progress through the budget process.
The Board of Selectmen will be holding joint meetings the next two weeks to discuss the 2022-2023 budget. As usual, the Board of Finance will be invited to participate at these meetings. I will be presenting the First Selectman’s budget and inviting department heads to discuss their individual requests with the both boards. These meetings are a great opportunity for residents to learn about the budgeting process in Southbury and see what the Town’s goals and priorities are for the upcoming fiscal year as well as long-term plans for the future. I invite citizens to join us as we work to finalize the budget and ensure Town needs are being met through next year’s funding. The meetings will be held at 7:00pm in Town Hall room 205 on February 23rd, 24th, 28th and March 1st and 2nd.
The Planning Commission and Land Use Department along with consultant SLR International will be holding a virtual workshop on February 24th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm to discuss affordable housing in Southbury as they work to develop the Town’s Affordable Housing Plan. This workshop will focus on educating residents about the status of affordable housing in Southbury as well as current and future housing needs. There will be a space for input about preferred strategies to increase affordable housing that will inform the plan’s development. For more information about the workshop and registration, go to www.southbury-ct.org/AffordableHousing.
The Parks and Recreation Department is hiring seasonal help for camp and Ballantine Pool. Interested citizens can apply for Summer Camp Counselor, Teenscape Summer Camp Counselor and Summer Lifeguard positons. These are great summer jobs for citizens interested in working with kids and teens or those experienced in supervising aquatic activities. Salaries are $13.00/hour to start and $14.00/hour beginning 7/1/22. The job descriptions and applications can be found here.
Jeff Manville
Southbury First Selectman