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Board of Assessment Appeals

A Guide to the Assessment Appeals Process

Hearing Dates

    • Personal Property, Real Estate, Motor Vehicle
    • Application due date: 2/20/2023
    • Dates of Hearings: March 1st, 2nd, 4th
    • Motor Vehicle
    • Application due date: July (exact date DBT)
    • Dates of Hearings: September (exact date DBT)


February 2023 Process

A written appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals must be received in the Assessor’s Office no later than February 20th. Please complete an Application for each Real Estate Parcel, Motor Vehicle or Personal Property Account you wish to bring before the Board.

Each application must be completed in full.

A letter will be sent to the appellant with assigned date and time. Hearings are held in the month of March. If the owner cannot appear at the given time, an agent can appear on his/her behalf. An Owner’s Authorization Form must be submitted prior to or at the time of hearing.

Each hearing is ten minutes long. Be prepared to present your appeal in this amount of time. A decision of your hearing will not be made at this designated time.

The appellant claiming a grievance must provide information necessary to substantiate any adjustment the Board may make in accordance with the law (§ 12-114). The Board will respond to your specific concerns and comparison. You will be appealing the value, not the taxes.

The Board must reveal in writing, the final decision of the appeal. This notification will be mailed to the appellant.

If you are not in agreement with the final decision of the Board, you have the right to appeal to the Superior Court.

September 2023 Process

Motor Vehicles on the October 1 Grand List; due in July.

The Board of Assessment Appeals meets during the Month of September to hear these appeals.