On Friday, January 21th, 2022 from 1-2:30pm on Zoom and streamed to the Kingsley Room, join us for an exploration of the Camino de Santiago trail with local traveller Art Charles.
Join us and learn more about the Camino de Santiago, the medieval pilgrims’ trail that ends in Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain. The presenter has traveled it on two occasions: in 2007 and in 2015. This presentation will focus on his four-week, 700-kilometer walk in 2007 from Pamplona to Santiago along the Camino Francés, with his wife Sandy.
Art Charles has been a teacher and administrator in US public and private schools, as well as schools in India, Switzerland, Ecuador, Bulgaria and Lebanon. He currently does senior administrator searches for international schools around the world.
Like all Southbury Public Library programs, this program is free to attend and open to anyone regardless of town of residency. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Southbury Public Library. Registration is required. Zoom invitation links will be sent via email on the day of the program. Please visit the link below for more information and to register.
Registration Link:
Zoom https://www.southburylibrary.org/events/zoom-walking-camino-de-santiago
In Person https://www.southburylibrary.org/events/person-walking-camino-de-santiago