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Southbury Public Library

100 Poverty Road
Southbury, CT 06488
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P:(203) 262-0626
F:(203) 262-6734

Library News

1/18/2022 - Donut Plushie Craft for Children

The Southbury Public Library Youth Services department is offering a two-part in-person craft program for children. Join us for a special two-part craft program. We'll be making donut shaped plushies. During the first session, plan and paint your fabric. Then, during the second session, put it all together and decorate your plushie. Please plan on attending both sessions.

This program is for grades 2-5. Registration is required.

Donut Plushie Craft – Thursday, February 24 & March 3 at 5:00 pm in the Kingsley Room.
Grades 2-5. Registration required.

To register:

donut plushie craft

donut plushie craft