On Tuesday, October 22, 2024 from 2:00- 3:30pm in the Multipurpose Room of Southbury Parks and Recreation, join us to learn more about meditation.
Did you know that meditation may help alleviate stress, improve clarity, and improve sleep? Meditation also induces the relaxation response, a state that promotes healing and wellness.
Because there is no one size that fits all, three different types of meditation will be presented, and ways to augment their benefits.
Bonus: Information on a fourth type of meditation, that has been studied and reported to help reduce early cognitive decline when used for twelve minutes a day, will also be presented.
Alternatives to meditation will also be discussed. There will be opportunities for participants to try each method. Come learn about, experience, and see how it fits for you.
A graduate of Yale University School of Medicine, Dr. Wendy Hurwitz is a nationally recognized expert on stress. A former medical researcher for ABC News, Dr. Hurwitz is an expert in two fields: Mind/Body Medicine and Energy Medicine. She has a forthcoming book on stress. Dr. Hurwitz helps organizations and individuals achieve peak performance by enhancing vitality and wellness.
Please Note: Out of respect for those with allergies, we request audience members to refrain from wearing perfume or cologne if possible. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Like all Southbury Public Library programs, this event is free to attend and open to anyone regardless of town of residency. Registration is required. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Southbury Library. Please visit the link below for more information and to register.
Registration Link: