October 8, 2021
I mentioned in my last newsletter the community survey that is available for residents to complete to provide input for the update of the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development. The survey is a great opportunity for the community to have a voice in forming the Town’s direction for the future in regards to many areas such as housing, open space and economic development. The deadline to complete the survey is October 20th. It can be completed online at southbury-ct.org/pocd or residents can pick up paper copies at Town buildings and the Heritage Village Activities Building. I hope residents will take the time to complete the survey so we can have as much input from the community as possible to inform the POCD update.
The nationwide labor shortage has been negatively affecting Southbury business owners as they struggle to find the help they need to operate their businesses. We thought it was important as a Town to help get the word out about job openings and serve as a resource for members of the community looking for work. Our IT department has created a page on the Town website for employment opportunities in Southbury. Businesses can submit job openings, and we will advertise them on the page at no cost. I hope this will be a helpful resource for citizens who would like to work in Southbury and benefit the local businesses as well. The page can be found here, and any questions can be directed to our Economic Development Director at ecodevdirector@southbury-ct.gov.
There will be a Pfizer booster dose clinic at Pomperaug High School on Saturday October 16th from 12:00pm-2:00pm. I would like to thank the Pomperaug Health District and New Milford Department of Health for organizing this clinic in partnership with Region 15. There will be additional clinics at the John Pettibone Community Center in New Milford. More information about the clinics can be found here.
The Southbury Farmers’ Market has extended their season until the end of October. The vendors still have produce to sell and other staples like bread and grass fed beef are available. I hope citizens take advantage of the extended season and that the weather remains seasonable through the end of the month.
Our Public Works crews will be paving Bucks Hill Road next week as the last step in the project to repair the road from the pipe failure. The road will be down to one lane while they are paving, and there will be possible closure. The paving will take two days to complete. We will send out an update when we get confirmation of the dates as it is weather dependent.
The Police Department has resumed fingerprinting services as they worked with the State to transition to a new system. Fingerprinting is offered on Wednesdays and Saturdays and appointments can be made online here. This service is of no cost to residents. The process has changed with the new system, and there are detailed instructions to guide residents.
Jeff Manville
Southbury First Selectman