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5/10/2024 - Southbury Announces Annual Artist Award

The Arts & Culture Subcommittee of the Southbury Economic Development Commission has recently introduced an exciting initiative to celebrate and support the local arts scene: the annual Artist of the Year Award. This award is designed to celebrate the diverse talents of Southbury’s local artists, from painters and potters to carvers, poets, and musicians. The initiative reflects Southbury’s commitment to highlighting the crucial role the arts play in fostering a vibrant, engaged, and diverse community and promoting a deeper appreciation of the arts among its residents.

The Artist of the Year Award is open to creatives who live or work in Southbury and have made significant contributions to the local arts community over the past year. This can include activities such as exhibitions, performances, public artworks, and other forms of artistic expression. One of the primary goals of the award is to encourage artists to contribute to the cultural vitality of the town, thereby enhancing the overall quality of life for its residents.

To qualify, artists must have resided or worked within the town of Southbury. They should have actively contributed to the local arts scene and engaged with the community through their work. Nominations can be submitted by any town resident, and artists are also welcome to self-nominate. A detailed submission must be provided, showcasing the artist’s work, and highlighting their impact on the community. Supporting materials such as a portfolio of work, letters of recommendation, and other relevant documents are required to help the selection committee assess the artistic quality and community impact of each candidate.

The review and shortlisting of candidates will be conducted by a selection committee comprising local artists, community leaders, and members of the Arts & Culture Subcommittee. This committee will use predefined criteria to evaluate nominations and will conduct interviews or presentations with shortlisted nominees if necessary. The final decision will be made through a committee vote, ensuring a fair and unbiased selection process.

The winner of the Artist of the Year Award will receive public recognition and opportunities to display their work more prominently within the community. An award ceremony will be organized to honor the winner and finalists, providing them with a platform to showcase their work and further engage with the community.

The deadline for submissions is September 1st, 2024, with the winner to be announced in November. Interested artists and nominators are encouraged to visit the Arts & Culture website at www.southbury-org/arts-artist-award or contact the Arts & Culture Subcommittee at for more information on the nomination process and criteria.