501 Main Street South
(Room 204)
Southbury, CT 06488
Maps and Directions
P:(203) 262-0674
Monday - Thursday:
8:00am - 4:30pm
Fri: 8:00am - 1:00pm
Revaluation Program
The Town of Southbury has completed its revaluation of all Real Property for the October 1, 2022 Grand List. Assessment notices are being mailed out before December 1, 2022. In order to help understand the revaluation process, below are some frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who conducted the revaluation and who do I contact with questions?
Vision Government Solutions was contracted by the Town of Southbury to perform the 2022 revaluation. They can be reached at 1-888-844-4300 between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Please do NOT call the Assessor’s Office.
What is your assessment?
Your assessment represents 70% of the market value as of October 1, 2022.
What is market value and who determines my property value?
For the purposes of revaluation, and as written in the CAAO Handbook for Connecticut Assessors, “market value is the most probable price in cash that a property would bring in a competitive and open market, assuming that the buyer and seller are acting prudently and knowledgably, allowing sufficient time for the sale, and assuming that the transaction is not affected by undue pressure.”
Buyers and sellers of real estate determine Market Value. We have seen the effects of the current economic climate on property sales and value over the past several years.
The estimated market value of your property is based on an analysis of the sales in Southbury and local market for one to two years prior to the assessment date. The sales are researched and analyzed, models are created to reflect and mirror the local real estate market. Some of the factors which contribute to the analysis and resultant value are; location, size, quality of construction, age of improvements, topography, utilities, zoning restrictions if any, etc.
What happened during this Revaluation?
Data collection of properties which have sold, new construction and properties which have open permits were used in the analysis to establish values.
Will this Revaluation increase my taxes?
Local budgets and the dollar amount necessary to support services such as education, police and fire, etc. within the jurisdiction are the factors which affect the amount of taxes property owners must pay. An increase in your assessment from a revaluation may have no effect on your tax rate or tax bill. For example, if the same amount of money is to be raised after the Revaluation as the previous year and each assessment doubles, the tax rate would merely be cut in half.
How and when will my taxes be affected by this revaluation?
The revaluation will affect your tax bill July 2023. Since the new mill rate will not be established until the budgetary process has been completed, it is not possible to estimate your new tax bill at this time.
NOTE: A new mill rate will not be determined until after the Town and School budgets have been finalized and approved by the Board of Finance in late Spring 2023.
How will I know if my assessment is equitable?
There are two very good methods to determine this. First, compare your properties to similar properties that sold in the previous year. Your value should be in-line with these sale prices. Second, if no recent sales are available, compare your assessment to other similar properties in your area using the Street Listing of Values available in the Assessor’s Office or online. Your value should be in-line with these similar properties. Remember, very few properties are exactly alike. Your value should be comparable, but it will seldom be exactly the same as what seems to be similar property.
Where can I review my assessment?
You may review your new assessment on the Vision Government Solutions website: This site will allow inquiry access to the Assessor’s database, including value summary, property data and general revaluation information.
What should I do after I receive my assessment notice?
All property owners are given the opportunity to attend an informal hearing to discuss their values with a representative from Vision Government Solutions. During the hearing, the property owner can voice concerns, discuss inaccuracies or discrepancies with a representative who will review the property record card and explain the value. An appraiser will make the determination as to whether an additional inspection or review of the value is necessary. All those scheduled for a hearing will receive another notice illustrating any changes made to the assessed value.
How do I schedule an informal telephone hearing with a representative from Vision Government Solutions?
You will need the Parcel ID Number (PID#) at the top of your Notice of Assessment Change (mailed to you) in order to book an appointment at
Why did the value of my Open Space increase?
PA 490 Open Space is a classification that is an option for a municipal to adopt. The new value is 25% of the excess land rate (currently $9,000) or $2,250 per acre.
Connecticut General Statutes require that every five years the Office of Policy and Management, in consultation with the Commissioner of Agriculture, develop the recommended land use values for all land assessed as PA 490 Farmland. PA 490 allows farm, forest and open space lands to be assessed at current use value rather than fair market value.
Public Act 490 is Connecticut's law (Connecticut General Statutes Sections 12-107a through 107-f) that allows your farm, forest, or open space land to be assessed at its use value rather than its fair market or highest and best use value (as determined by the property's most recent "fair market value" revaluation) for purposes of local property taxation. Without the lower use value assessment, most landowners would have to sell the land because they would not be able to afford the property taxes on farm, forest, or open space land.
If I disagree with my assessment after a hearing, what are my options?
If any property owner believes the assessment on their property to be inaccurate, disproportionate or excessive, they may appeal through the local Board of Assessment Appeals. Should the property owner still feel the assessment is incorrect, they may appeal to the Superior Court for the judicial district in which they are located.