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Police Department

421 Main Street South
Southbury, CT 06488
Maps and Directions
P:(203) 264-5912
F:(203) 264-5913

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain a copy of a police report?

Most police reports can be obtained within 2 weeks from the date of the incident. In certain instances, such as an arrest, availability will be determined by the status of the case in court.

Motor Vehicle Accident Reports may be requested through All other incident reports may be requested through our online portal.

Please note: Incidents which occurred prior to January 27, 2025 can be requested from the Connecticut State Police Reports and Records Department. Please visit the Records Division page for more information.

I just moved to Connecticut. When am I required to change my driver’s license and vehicle registration?

You are required to register your vehicle within 60 days of establishing residence in Connecticut. The Department of Motor Vehicles can assist you with any additional requirements that may be needed in completing this process.

You are required to obtain a Connecticut Operator’s License within 30 days of establishing residence in Connecticut. The Department of Motor Vehicles can assist you with any additional requirements that may be needed in completing this process. To visit the Department of Motor Vehicles click here.

How do I get my fingerprints taken?

The Southbury Police Department provides fingerprinting services for the Southbury residents. Fingerprinting for employment, pistol permits, and other needs is performed for Southbury residents only. This service is provided to the Southbury residents at no cost. Fingerprints are taken on Wednesdays and Saturday 7:30am-2:50pm by appointment only. To schedule your appointment go to

How do I hire a police officer to work an outside event?

Southbury Police officers can be hired to work private duty for many types of situations. Some include traffic duty, construction, crowd control at special events, security and other appropriate assignments. There is a set rate and the work assignments are scheduled for any length of time needed.

To hire an Officer please please complete the form at

What do I have to do to report a bad check?

Prior to contacting the Southbury Police Department please make sure the following steps have been taken:

The check must have been presented and/or accepted in Southbury. The check was issued by a Southbury resident and mailed out of state.
The check must be stamped “Insufficient Funds” and “Do Not Redeposit” or holes must be punched in the check where the account number is printed. A stamp of “Account Closed” will also fulfill these requirements
The complainant must have sent, by certified mail, return receipt requested, a demand letter, to the last known address of the check issuer, requesting that restitution be made. Eight days must have past since the issuer received such letter.

I was the victim of identity theft. What should I do?

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. You must immediately report any suspected identity theft or credit card fraud to a credit reporting agency. This can be done online or by telephone. Some of these agencies are listed below:

Equifax: (800) 525-6285
Experian: (888) 397-3742
TransUnion: (800) 680-7289

For more information, please review this Identity Theft Packet.

What should I do if I am pulled over?

  • Turn on your overhead light.
  • Roll your window down all the way.
  • Stay in your vehicle.
  • Place your hands on the steering wheel or in plain view.
  • Be calm and courteous.
  • Do not make any sudden moves.
  • Be prepared to show your ID and registration.

How does one file a complaint against an officer of the Department for improper conduct?

To file a complaint, you may fill out the form below and submit to the email address listed on the form. You may also call the Police Department on the non-emergency line (203) 264-5912 and speak to the shift Supervisor.