Start or Move a Business in Southbury
Step One: Contact the Office of Economic Development
Before you sign a lease or mortgage set up a meeting with Southbury’s Economic Development Director to discuss possibilities for your business. Have your questions answered and learn about the process of opening or moving a business in Southbury and how to proceed. Contact the office by phone (203) 262-0683 or by e-mail at:
Step Two: Apply for Permits Online
Now, with your initial questions answered and a road map, if you are ready to move forward you need to apply for permits. Zoning, Building and Fire permits are now online.
Step Three: Review, Inspection, and Permits
The Land Use Department, comprised of Zoning and Planning will review your application. The Building Department and Fire Marshal Office reviews building plans for code compliance, issues building permits, and does construction and fire alarm/suppression inspections. Remodeling, repair, demolition, and new construction cannot be started at your business until permits have been acquired.
Any new developments must also be in compliance with Southbury’s Plan of Conservation and Development and Inland Wetlands Regulations.
The Health Department is separate from the town, as it is a district health department. You will need to get their approval as well (see below).
You may need to file a trade name for your business. Please refer to the Town Clerk’s website to determine whether this is necessary.
Once your property gets final approval, you are ready to open for business.
Welcome to Southbury!
Economic Development
Director, Kevin Bielmeier – (203) 262-0683,
Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, Third Floor. Hours M-Th: 8:00am-4:30pm; F: 8:00am-1:00pm. Information at:
New prospective businesses, or those existing looking to expand or relocate, should make your first point-of-contact the Town’s EDD. The EDD will discuss with you your plans, answer questions and advise a course to completion, including scheduling a development meeting.
Zoning Enforcement Officer, Jayda Bennett – (203) 262-0665,
Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, Third Floor. Hours M-Th: 8:00am-4:30pm; F: 8:00am-1:00pm. Information and forms at
A business that wants to open or relocate to Southbury in a new location, whether in an existing or new building, is asked to obtain a Zoning Permit. Fill out a zoning application and a “Statement of Use”, which provides information regarding the type of business you are establishing, and helps speed up the approval process by providing all the information at one time.
- Certain businesses may only need to notify the Land Use Office of their intentions, fill out an application and may receive administrative approvals or sign off on a Trade Name Certificate.
- Other businesses may be required to obtain additional approvals. You will be informed with what is required for such review, approximate timing and fees.
Land Use Administrator, Jordan Marcinko - (203) 262-0634,
Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, Third Floor. Hours M-Th: 8:00am-4:30pm; F: 8:00am-1:00pm. Information and plans at
The Planning Department is the command center for all land use needs, providing access to regulations, documents, maps and files, as well as providing administrative support and expertise in planning, and state and local regulations.
- Comprehensive plans for Main Street South, Southford, the Exit 16 Area, Streetscape, the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development and Affordable Housing Plan are available.
- The Planning Department supports the Planning Commission, which, depending on the scope of your proposed business and location, you may need to come before for their approval.
- If the scope of your proposed business requires a PDD (Planned Development District), it requires a review and approval by the Planning Commission, prior to approval by the Zoning Commission.
Inland Wetlands
Land Use Inspector, Jayda Bennett – (203) 262-0665,
Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, Third Floor. Hours M-Th: 8:00am-4:30pm; F: 8:00am-1:00pm. Information and forms at:
If you are building a new building, or expanding a building, contact the Land Use Inspector to determine if your plans may impact inland wetlands on the property. If impacted, an application and site plan review by the Inland Wetlands Commission may be necessary.
Housatonic Valley Health District (HVHD)
Public Health Office Administrator, Leslie Kuik – (203) 264-9616,,
77 Main St. South, Suite. 205. Hours M-Th: 8:30am – 4:30pm; F: 8:30am – 2:00pm. Information and forms at:
This is the local health department for the Town of Southbury, responsible for inspection of restaurants and other food service establishments, day care centers, water supplies and septic systems, etc., helping the control of communicable diseases, licensing and/or regulations of activities as required by the Connecticut General Statutes, the Connecticut Public Health Code and local (District) regulations.
Fire Marshal
(203) 262-0620
Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, Third Floor. Hours M-Th: 8:00am-4:30pm; F: 8:00am-1:00pm. Information and forms at:
You are required to submit plans for their approval. They will review your plans, provide feedback as needed, and provide required approvals in a timely manner.
Building Official
Mark Cody – (203) 262-0609,
Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, Third Floor. Hours M-Th: 8:00am-4:30pm; F: 8:00am-1:00pm. Information and forms at:
If you intend to construct a new structure, add to existing structures or make any modifications to structures, including residential homes. They can provide you with important information, including a schedule of applicable fees, permits required and the procedure for inspections.
Town Clerk
Alice Maisano – (203) 262-0657,
Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, Second Floor. Hours M-Th: 8:00am-4:30pm; F: 8:00am-1:00pm.
After completing the above steps, you are now ready to obtain your Trade Name Certificate as required by State law. This form is available online at: Trade Name Certificate is $10 (+ $2 Town Clerk fee + $5 notary). Total: $17.00.
Darcel Peters – (203) 262-0674,
Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, Second Floor. Hours M-Th: 8:00am-4:30pm; F: 8:00am-1:00pm. Information and forms at:
On October 1st of each year, personal property declarations are sent to each business in Southbury by the Assessor’s Office. Each business, including home based business, must declare all furniture, fixtures and equipment used to operate their business.