Department Members
Deandra Nevin |
Land Use Inspector/Enforcement Officer |
Sanya McAndrew |
Administrative Assistant |
General Information
In Connecticut, wetlands are classified by soil types. The ideal goal when planning a project is to achieve zero wetlands disturbance, if at all possible.
Upland review areas extend 50 feet from wetlands, watercourses, ponds and 100 feet from named watercourses and waterbodies including Bullet Hill Brook, Eight
Mile Brook, Transylvania Brook, Pomperaug River, Shepaug River, Lake Lillinonah, Housatonic River and Lake Zoar.
Inland Wetlands department staff provide support to the Inland Wetlands Agency and carry out the daily activities such as processing applications and
investigating complaints as well as reviewing and proposing regulation revisions.
Inland-Wetland Regulations
Paper copies of the Inland Wetlands Regulations ($10.00) and Wetland Map ($3.00) are available in the office during regular office hours.